Twitter Business Account

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Twitter is nowadays a popular social networking service provider platform which allows users to create messages known as 'tweets'. As all social media platforms are now becoming a medium to promote business twitter is the same platform and a great way to promote your business via online mode. To grow awareness about your business. Why you see certain Twitter Ads. Your activity on Twitter, the information you provide to Twitter, and our relationships with ad partners all help make promoted content more relevant for you. When you use Twitter to follow, Tweet, search, view, or interact with Tweets or Twitter accounts, we may use these actions to customize Twitter Ads for you. Establish your brand identity with a Twitter profile for your business. Add your official name, logo, location, and elevator pitch in your bio to give people a reason to follow you.

Update: The screenshots and notes on this blog post have been updated as of February 2018.

Twitter can benefit your business with increased networking and marketing opportunities. This may sound like an ideal marketing strategy which requires little monetary investment, but you may be unsure as to how to get started.

Twitter business account setup

Let's get started with the four steps to creating a Twitter for business:

Related: Using Twitter for Business in 2018

Preparing for Set Up

  • Decide on a username. Ideally, your username will match your business name exactly. But if your name is taken, include your main service or location in the username. For example, we are on Twitter as @esultants, but if this wasn't available, our next choices would be, @EsultantsWebServices or @EsultantsMN. Your username is the name associated with your profile and your account on Twitter, so choose wisely and make it intuitive.
  • Make a list of people to follow. Start with 15-30 people or businesses you would like to 'follow,' including industry leaders, customers, inspiring people, or other companies that you want to stay up to date with.

Setting Up the Basics

  1. Go to the Twitter home page, and enter your email and new password. Click Get started.
  2. Enter your business name as you would like it to appear on your Twitter profile as your Full Name. Click Sign Up.
  3. Twitter will ask you to enter your phone number. You can add this information and click Next, or click Skip. You can always add this later.
  4. Enter your username and click Next.
    NOTE: You do have the option to wait and add a username later, but this is required for anyone to tag you, so it's best to do it now before you forget.
  5. Twitter will redirect you to a welcome page, click Let's go!

  6. Choose a few of your interests in order to receive suggestions for who to follow. Click Continue.
  7. If you would like to import your email contacts, you can select from your Gmail or Outlook contact lists then click Import contacts. If you'd like to find your friends manually later on, click No thanks.
  8. Select which suggested accounts you would like to follow. You can follow all the suggestions, none at all, or just a few. You can also search for accounts to follow here. Click Follow & continue.
    NOTE: Follow Esultants for daily social media tips and inspiration :)
  9. Click Turn on Notifications to receive Twitter alerts even when you're not logged in, or click Not now to receive notifications only in the app.
  10. Twitter will automatically launch a tour of their features. If you've never used Twitter before, use this as an intro to your tools in the app. When you finish the tour, you'll be redirected to your Twitter home.

Optimizing Your Twitter Profile for Business

Optimizing your Twitter profile is the best way to turn Twitter followers into website visitors. To navigate to your profile, click on the gray avatar in the upper right-hand corner, then click Profile from the drop-down menu. From here, click Edit Profile to begin modifying your account settings.

  • Header photo. We recommend using the feature photo on the home page of your website or another simple image. You can include text on the image if you'd like, but keep it to a minimum to avoid overwhelming visitors.
  • Profile photo. Upload a high-resolution image of your logo to increase brand recognition across social media platforms.
  • Account bio. Write a 160-character elevator speech describing your main business offerings.
  • Location. Enter the location of your main office to reach a local audience.
    NOTE: If you are a national company, this doesn't block people outside of your local area. It simply helps people place you!
  • Website link. Copy and paste your homepage URL or the URL to a landing page you're advertising.
  • Theme color. Choose a color that matches your branding.
  • Your birthday. Enter the date your business was founded. Click the padlock icon to edit who can see this information.

Navigating Twitter

Twitter Business Account

Home Tab

This is where you see the tweets from the people you follow. Reply, retweet, and like other people's content to start building a community!

You can also compose your own tweets here by typing into the What's happening? text box at the top of the page or by clicking Tweet in the upper right-hand corner. Follow Twitter best practices when you tweet.

Moments Tab

The Moments tab features the best stories trending on Twitter. Moments can be categorized by News, Sports, Entertainments, and Fun. If you see moments you'd like to explore, click it to view the entire collection of tweets.

Notification Tab

The notification timeline offers a simple way to see how others on Twitter are interacting with you. You'll be able to see which of your tweets have been liked, the latest retweets of your tweets, tweets directed with replies and mentions, and your new followers.

Message Tab

The Messages tab is the private messaging side of Twitter. You can use direct messages to have private conversations with other Twitter users about tweets and other topics. You can start a private conversation or create a group conversation with anyone who follows you.

Let's get tweeting!

Twitter can be very beneficial for your business' growth and online presence, but only if you're active on the platform. The best way to gain followers is through regularly posting high-quality content and engaging with other users.

For more tips on how to use Twitter for business, read our blog post Using Twitter for Business in 2018. Or follow us on Twitter where we try to lead by example.

If you would like help managing your Twitter account, check out our social media management programs and talk to us about ongoing and à la carte options.

Twitter Business Account

Corporate tweeters need to know that they aren't just promoting a brand or solving a problem: they are performing for an audience, supporting customers throughout their journey, and even, subtly, selling. The best, like American Airlines, make it feel natural. They have given their social media staff a clear mission and a great deal of autonomy; the account's managers chat with customers, offer up front to solve problems, and empathize with frustrated travelers.

But the worst have exported their old tricks to new media. Entirely devoid of empathy, their accounts might as well be run by robots. Starbucks simply redirects queries to an email address—with a grating exclamation point to add insult to injury. At least that's better than the 70% of companies that plainly ignore complaints on Twitter.

This matters. Social media isn't merely a place for people to chat with each other and for brands to talk at their customers. For a new generation of consumers who get their news and form their views about the world primarily on social media, it is an essential proving ground. A witty comment or botched response on Twitter can travel to Facebook and even news websites in minutes (think of the Oreo tweet during the Superbowl blackout of 2013). But a single miscalculated remark can cascade into an avalanche of disapproval, a phenomenon Jon Ronson explores his new book, So You've Been Publicly Shamed. It has never been as easy and as quick for reputations to be made and destroyed.

Yet, despite the urgency of getting it right—and the ample time that companies have had to figure it out—most corporations have an empathy deficit. This shouldn't come as a surprise. After all, management exists to transform corporations into more efficient machines. But in the process, little attention is paid to the humanity of either customers or employees. Efficiencies are made the expense of humanity. That limits the ability of companies to engage authentically and emotionally with their customers.

Measuring empathy

Thanks to easy access to data sets, advanced data analysis techniques, and the very public nature of social networks, we are able to look at how companies listed on the major London and New York stock exchanges communicate with their customers as a way to gauge which are the best and worst at displaying empathy.

Twitter Business Account Cost

We used Twitter, which has the benefit of being the most transparent big social network today. It also encourages back-and-forth conversation, unlike Facebook which tends to be a broadcasting medium. Dinnerbone minecraft. Moreover, Twitter is used by virtually all big Western companies either for marketing or to respond to customers—and sometimes both.

Twitter Business Account

Let's get started with the four steps to creating a Twitter for business:

Related: Using Twitter for Business in 2018

Preparing for Set Up

  • Decide on a username. Ideally, your username will match your business name exactly. But if your name is taken, include your main service or location in the username. For example, we are on Twitter as @esultants, but if this wasn't available, our next choices would be, @EsultantsWebServices or @EsultantsMN. Your username is the name associated with your profile and your account on Twitter, so choose wisely and make it intuitive.
  • Make a list of people to follow. Start with 15-30 people or businesses you would like to 'follow,' including industry leaders, customers, inspiring people, or other companies that you want to stay up to date with.

Setting Up the Basics

  1. Go to the Twitter home page, and enter your email and new password. Click Get started.
  2. Enter your business name as you would like it to appear on your Twitter profile as your Full Name. Click Sign Up.
  3. Twitter will ask you to enter your phone number. You can add this information and click Next, or click Skip. You can always add this later.
  4. Enter your username and click Next.
    NOTE: You do have the option to wait and add a username later, but this is required for anyone to tag you, so it's best to do it now before you forget.
  5. Twitter will redirect you to a welcome page, click Let's go!

  6. Choose a few of your interests in order to receive suggestions for who to follow. Click Continue.
  7. If you would like to import your email contacts, you can select from your Gmail or Outlook contact lists then click Import contacts. If you'd like to find your friends manually later on, click No thanks.
  8. Select which suggested accounts you would like to follow. You can follow all the suggestions, none at all, or just a few. You can also search for accounts to follow here. Click Follow & continue.
    NOTE: Follow Esultants for daily social media tips and inspiration :)
  9. Click Turn on Notifications to receive Twitter alerts even when you're not logged in, or click Not now to receive notifications only in the app.
  10. Twitter will automatically launch a tour of their features. If you've never used Twitter before, use this as an intro to your tools in the app. When you finish the tour, you'll be redirected to your Twitter home.

Optimizing Your Twitter Profile for Business

Optimizing your Twitter profile is the best way to turn Twitter followers into website visitors. To navigate to your profile, click on the gray avatar in the upper right-hand corner, then click Profile from the drop-down menu. From here, click Edit Profile to begin modifying your account settings.

  • Header photo. We recommend using the feature photo on the home page of your website or another simple image. You can include text on the image if you'd like, but keep it to a minimum to avoid overwhelming visitors.
  • Profile photo. Upload a high-resolution image of your logo to increase brand recognition across social media platforms.
  • Account bio. Write a 160-character elevator speech describing your main business offerings.
  • Location. Enter the location of your main office to reach a local audience.
    NOTE: If you are a national company, this doesn't block people outside of your local area. It simply helps people place you!
  • Website link. Copy and paste your homepage URL or the URL to a landing page you're advertising.
  • Theme color. Choose a color that matches your branding.
  • Your birthday. Enter the date your business was founded. Click the padlock icon to edit who can see this information.

Navigating Twitter

Home Tab

This is where you see the tweets from the people you follow. Reply, retweet, and like other people's content to start building a community!

You can also compose your own tweets here by typing into the What's happening? text box at the top of the page or by clicking Tweet in the upper right-hand corner. Follow Twitter best practices when you tweet.

Moments Tab

The Moments tab features the best stories trending on Twitter. Moments can be categorized by News, Sports, Entertainments, and Fun. If you see moments you'd like to explore, click it to view the entire collection of tweets.

Notification Tab

The notification timeline offers a simple way to see how others on Twitter are interacting with you. You'll be able to see which of your tweets have been liked, the latest retweets of your tweets, tweets directed with replies and mentions, and your new followers.

Message Tab

The Messages tab is the private messaging side of Twitter. You can use direct messages to have private conversations with other Twitter users about tweets and other topics. You can start a private conversation or create a group conversation with anyone who follows you.

Let's get tweeting!

Twitter can be very beneficial for your business' growth and online presence, but only if you're active on the platform. The best way to gain followers is through regularly posting high-quality content and engaging with other users.

For more tips on how to use Twitter for business, read our blog post Using Twitter for Business in 2018. Or follow us on Twitter where we try to lead by example.

If you would like help managing your Twitter account, check out our social media management programs and talk to us about ongoing and à la carte options.

Corporate tweeters need to know that they aren't just promoting a brand or solving a problem: they are performing for an audience, supporting customers throughout their journey, and even, subtly, selling. The best, like American Airlines, make it feel natural. They have given their social media staff a clear mission and a great deal of autonomy; the account's managers chat with customers, offer up front to solve problems, and empathize with frustrated travelers.

But the worst have exported their old tricks to new media. Entirely devoid of empathy, their accounts might as well be run by robots. Starbucks simply redirects queries to an email address—with a grating exclamation point to add insult to injury. At least that's better than the 70% of companies that plainly ignore complaints on Twitter.

This matters. Social media isn't merely a place for people to chat with each other and for brands to talk at their customers. For a new generation of consumers who get their news and form their views about the world primarily on social media, it is an essential proving ground. A witty comment or botched response on Twitter can travel to Facebook and even news websites in minutes (think of the Oreo tweet during the Superbowl blackout of 2013). But a single miscalculated remark can cascade into an avalanche of disapproval, a phenomenon Jon Ronson explores his new book, So You've Been Publicly Shamed. It has never been as easy and as quick for reputations to be made and destroyed.

Yet, despite the urgency of getting it right—and the ample time that companies have had to figure it out—most corporations have an empathy deficit. This shouldn't come as a surprise. After all, management exists to transform corporations into more efficient machines. But in the process, little attention is paid to the humanity of either customers or employees. Efficiencies are made the expense of humanity. That limits the ability of companies to engage authentically and emotionally with their customers.

Measuring empathy

Thanks to easy access to data sets, advanced data analysis techniques, and the very public nature of social networks, we are able to look at how companies listed on the major London and New York stock exchanges communicate with their customers as a way to gauge which are the best and worst at displaying empathy.

Twitter Business Account Cost

We used Twitter, which has the benefit of being the most transparent big social network today. It also encourages back-and-forth conversation, unlike Facebook which tends to be a broadcasting medium. Dinnerbone minecraft. Moreover, Twitter is used by virtually all big Western companies either for marketing or to respond to customers—and sometimes both.

How do you measure empathy on social media? In our view, empathy consists of three components: reassurance, authenticity, and emotional connection. Empathy goes beyond simply solving a problem. It involves making a customer feel valued.

These qualities are quantifiable. While data analysis cannot tell us whether an individual tweet displays empathy, it can look in aggregate at how Twitter is being used by a firm and identify certain patterns of behavior in interactions between companies and their followers, and infer a degree of engagement. We analyzed 350,000 tweets across 300 companies. Unencumbered by an individual's perception of a brand, automated analysis has the benefit of being fairer and more objective.

We identified specific empathic and unempathic behavior, and scored companies accordingly. Highly empathic tweeters, for example, avoid using repetitious stock phrases. They also interact with users. They don't use twitter as a broadcasting service for promotion or investor announcements. The worst offenders not only repeat stock phrases but also divert users to other non-social channels (e.g. call centers).

Empathic tweeters are gender neutral or reflect the gender of their audience. We supplemented our model by using an algorithm and dataset developed by University of Pennsylvania to identify the apparent gender of our subjects and their followers. The algorithm is able to infer gender based on language. The energy, finance, and technology sectors tend to tweet using a male-biased tone of voice. Retail and consumer goods tend to use more female language in their social communication.

We found that the top-performing companies use gender-neutral language or a slightly female tone of voice. Wal-mart, for example, employs an empathic female tone, using evocative language and emotional ways of responding using emoticons. On the other hand, many of the least empathic companies defaulted to an excessively male tone, one that was often indifferent to the gender of their audience. Hewlett Packard demonstrated a very male tone of voice providing very little emotional connection with customers.

Mac stud brow pencil. This shouldn't be surprising. Women respond well to empathy and expect brands to be more empathic. Women are also the dominant users of nearly every social media service, including Facebook and Twitter. Ddj400 spotify. Women account for 62% of Twitter users, visiting 40 million times more than men do each month. On Facebook, women account for 58% of users, posting an average of 394 updates per year compared to 254 from men.

They aren't anonymous. Empathic companies named the tweeters working on their behalf and allowed them to show their individual personality and humor. Unempathic companies, on the other hand, often used anonymous tweeters, who often repeating press release headlines or corporate talking points.

They use a single Twitter account to represent the organization. A third of the companies in our study have separate accounts for customer service and marketing. That reflects the needs of the company: different departments with their own budgets running accounts for different purposes. But it does not show empathy for the chaotic and diverse needs of customers.

A loyal customer who likes and follows a brand for engagement today may need technical support tomorrow. She is unlikely to go looking for the support account. Siloing accounts limits the range of interactions between company and customers. It forces customers to learn company hierarchies and department. These divisions reflect the organization's needs, not the customer's. The problem is also that greater resources are being provided to the care accounts than to the overall corporate Twitter accounts.

Twitter Business Account Users

American Airlines again provides a good example. The main account promotes the brand and responds to customer queries with equal skill. Sometimes, a separation can work if the support account is lively and well resourced. Another good example, @MicrosoftHelps, is an active broadcaster but also a sensitive responder, replying to queries in a casual, friendly, and helpful tone. The individuals who run it are clearly experts—and they have personality too.

Another striking, if not entirely surprising, conclusion from our survey is that consumer-facing firms tend to be better at displaying empathy than their business-to-business counterparts. In technology, household names such as Facebook, Microsoft, and Intel are at the top of the class while the worst performers in the sector are mainly in enterprise technology, storage, hardware and research. Similarly, in finance, payment providers and investment banks such as Schroders and Goldmans Sachs Group fared badly while retail insurance and banking such as PNC Financial Services Group performed well.

Twitter Business Account Setup Page

Companies of all stripes must understand that empathy isn't just about customer support. It is also about how companies relate to their employees and to the world at large. Social media is merely the most public and obvious means to measure it. We have come a long way from the era of unconcerned shop assistants and unaccountable call-center workers.

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